Friday 26 November 2010

Casino Royal production

CasinoRoyalePoster300x425.jpg On the 26th November 2010 we watched this play thing from the older years in college, the level 3 diploma students studying theatre, It was IMENCE :), i loved it.
Im not just saying that, I generally found the performance amazing. When I walked in the room and saw the set, I was feeling mixed motions, cause it looked very american, and hard to pull of a good performance, but after watching it I was really shocked, it looked actually like something off West end.
The dancing inspired me a lot, but didn't really no where to look in some of the dances.
Overall it did inspire and astonish me how it all went right and thought they did very good, cause there was loads of dance moves, words to remember and a lot of singing.
I liked how they took it to different parts of the country, as in Bollywood and India, and done impressions of people eg: Mr Bean. Mr Bean was such a good actor he really did know how to play Mr Bean especially with the facial expressions.
I loved they included the audience, it made you feel like you were there.
The man which kept coming on and being the host was fabulous because he was very confident and had a lot more to remember because a lot more words, and was a dancer and singer.
It made the girls be a bit confused where to look in some dances, but the boys were just drooling, but whatever gender you were you were still blown away.
The show included a lot different style of songs like "hey big spender" by Shirley Bassey, "money" by Abba and "Diamonds are a girls best friend" by Marilyn Monroe, "Mr bombastic" by Shaggy, the can-can and Indian dance and this illusion dance.
The illusion dance was completely different to all the over dances but it was funky how everything went dark apart from their masks,hands and the spiny things.
Overall the performance was very enjoyable, and like a West end performance, I think the level 3 diploma students should have a very high grade.

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